Console Recommendation
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To me and many others there is no clear winner in the console race at this point in time. I would recommend a different console to people based on many different reasons. We are beginning to hear about a few new products that will be coming out in the near future. Such as the PS4, Playstation VR, and the Xbox One X. Gaming PCs are also on the rise as of late, because of the great customizable options available. For very avid gamers I would suggest investing in the PC gaming movement. For more simple gamers I suggest sticking to a console as they are easier to setup and use. If you want something right at this moment I would go with the Playstation 4 Pro, as it is the best version of the current Playstation. It is currently priced around $400. It’s a great choice as it already offers 4K and HDR 10 capability, and that technology is growing quickly. Although the Playstation does have a view less exclusive games to offer compared to the Xbox. Picking up the Playstation rather than an Xbox or Wii also allows you the ability to take advantage of their VR technology. I have heard rumors that it works very well, and is the most cost efficient VR currently available. Xbox has had rumors of their own VR headset but nothing has been set in stone. Playstation has the only VR headset out right now has far as VR gaming goes. While it may be difficult to take full advantage of the PlayStation 4 Pro’s features, mainly HDR support, the improvements it gives to even unoptimized games make it the best way to play the largest number of games on a console. Depending on how well its taken on by game developers, and if 4K and HDR continues to dominate the PS4 Pro could be the future of console gaming.While the PlayStation 4 Pro plays games in 4K, that benefit is primarily aimed at playing video games. Microsoft’s Xbox One has a 4K Blu-Ray player, and can support 4K HDR video playback through a receiver, making it a good choice for players who want to play games and be able to watch movies in 4K. While you may be trading 4K gaming for more 4K media capability, the Xbox One X can upscale from 1080p and still produces a noticeable visual improvement over the standard Xbox One for gamers with a 4K TV. I believe this console is also the most appealing to the eye. For the many people who have not purchased a 4K TV, both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One are great consoles with large game libraries. You will be able to play large selection of new and upcoming games, including a few exclusive franchises like Halo, Gears of War, and Forza. If you still own Xbox 360 games, a lot of last-gen console’s games are now compatible with the Xbox One, which could expand your gaming possibilities to keep you from getting bored. Like I mentioned earlier there is no clear winner, but I would have to lean towards the Playstation at this point.
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To me and many others there is no clear winner in the console race at this point in time. I would recommend a different console to people based on many different reasons. We are beginning to hear about a few new products that will be coming out in the near future. Such as the PS4, Playstation VR, and the Xbox One X. Gaming PCs are also on the rise as of late, because of the great customizable options available. For very avid gamers I would suggest investing in the PC gaming movement. For more simple gamers I suggest sticking to a console as they are easier to setup and use. If you want something right at this moment I would go with the Playstation 4 Pro, as it is the best version of the current Playstation. It is currently priced around $400. It’s a great choice as it already offers 4K and HDR 10 capability, and that technology is growing quickly. Although the Playstation does have a view less exclusive games to offer compared to the Xbox. Picking up the Playstation rather than an Xbox or Wii also allows you the ability to take advantage of their VR technology. I have heard rumors that it works very well, and is the most cost efficient VR currently available. Xbox has had rumors of their own VR headset but nothing has been set in stone. Playstation has the only VR headset out right now has far as VR gaming goes. While it may be difficult to take full advantage of the PlayStation 4 Pro’s features, mainly HDR support, the improvements it gives to even unoptimized games make it the best way to play the largest number of games on a console. Depending on how well its taken on by game developers, and if 4K and HDR continues to dominate the PS4 Pro could be the future of console gaming.While the PlayStation 4 Pro plays games in 4K, that benefit is primarily aimed at playing video games. Microsoft’s Xbox One has a 4K Blu-Ray player, and can support 4K HDR video playback through a receiver, making it a good choice for players who want to play games and be able to watch movies in 4K. While you may be trading 4K gaming for more 4K media capability, the Xbox One X can upscale from 1080p and still produces a noticeable visual improvement over the standard Xbox One for gamers with a 4K TV. I believe this console is also the most appealing to the eye. For the many people who have not purchased a 4K TV, both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One are great consoles with large game libraries. You will be able to play large selection of new and upcoming games, including a few exclusive franchises like Halo, Gears of War, and Forza. If you still own Xbox 360 games, a lot of last-gen console’s games are now compatible with the Xbox One, which could expand your gaming possibilities to keep you from getting bored. Like I mentioned earlier there is no clear winner, but I would have to lean towards the Playstation at this point.
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